23 Nov The Importance Of Building A Following With A Business That Is Worth Sharing
Are you thinking about building a business in today’s online world? Then you should know that the nature of the customer has changed and you must build your business accordingly. Customers nowadays like to know what a business is all about before using their services, which is why it is important to sell your message in addition to your products. If you would like to build a business where the followers value you enough to share you with their friends and family then here is what considerations you must keep in mind.
Don’t sell straight away
If you approach every customer with the idea of selling first then you will lose them before they even pay attention to what your product is. To begin with you need pre-sell them by offering them tips, useful information or just provide something of value. Give them a reason to trust you so that when you do put your offer in front of them they will be more interested in what you have to offer.
Of course the reason why you get into business is to make money, but if you just think about the money and not the needs of your customer base then you will not make the wealth that you want. The purpose of any business is not just to make the owner rich, but also to provide value to the customers, and if you forget that then you can forget about making money.
Social networking sites
Social branding is one of the most important developments in recent history with relation to increasing word of mouth. A business can become a success story just by people sharing their products with friends on social networking sites.
In order for your products to go viral in such a way it is important that they truly meet the needs of the customers, otherwise people will not think they are worth sharing. Getting customer feedback and actively participating on social media sites will open up a dialogue between you and your customers. This can be used as a research tool to find out what your customers want and in turn create products that are more in line with what your customers actually want.
Word of mouth is free
Once social branding has been successfully achieved then the world of mouth advertising that you will get is completely free. This is great because the other forms of advertising such as PPC can be expensive, or take a long time to see results if you are opting for organic traffic.
Free advertising will increase your bottom line and increase your profits thereby taking your business to another level. The reason why social media marketing is so powerful is because it is all about people recommending your services and products to other people. And it is far easier to believe a previous customer than the sales person, simply because the former has no agenda.
So when building your business try to make it as approachable as possible for customers. By making the effort to come up with a powerful message that customers can get behind it will create a following that will be more than happy to share your business with everyone around them.
My Conclusion
Creating a following can take a long time so if you don’t see results at first don’t give up. As you become more experienced your ability to get new followers will be enhanced. New methods and tools that help build a following spring up all the time and you must keep up to date on what they are. Only by exploring different avenues can you get a significant enough following. For more information on how to build a business with a following check out Creative Genius who can help you achieve a following to get excited about.
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